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Filling Out a Medical Form


You can now book an appointment directly with Dr Latheef without needing a referral from your General Practitioner (GP), although it can be helpful and we would recommend that you have a list of your medications including the names of any creams/ointments/tablets that you have already tried for your specific issue.


The cost of a new consultation (face to face or remote) is £250 and a follow up consultation is £150.


If you wish to have a remote consultation please email or leave a message in the contact form stating that you would like a remote consultation and send us your name and contact number and availability and we will contact you to arrange an appointment.


If you would prefer a face to face appointment then please select a location below and either email or leave details in the contact form or call the corresponding contact number for the location and request an appointment (new or follow up) with Dr Latheef at a time that suits you. Online booking is now available for the Spire Hospital Leeds if you wish to make the appointment yourself.



Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital

(GP & Self-Referral)


Appointments: 0113 388 2067


Enquiries: 01133882230


Thorpe Park Clinic, Leeds

(GP & Self-Referral- private only)


Private appointments:

01133882230 138

Spire Leeds Hospital

(GP & Self-Referral)


Appointments: 0113 218 5908/9


Or book online:


Enquiries: 01133882230

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